Monday, March 7, 2011

Recent Reads

One Day
I have mixed emotions about this book. It was a really good story. It was sort of a love story where you know the characters are meant to be together but they struggle to get there. Well written and funny. However, at one point in the book, something bad happens (as it usually does). This event was so disappointing that I literally threw the book across the room and refused to pick it up for a week. I immediately sent an angry email to the friend who loaned it to me "I can't believe you let me read this! I'm so pissed off!" But still -- you should read the book. If a book doesn't piss you off a little, it probably wasn't worth reading anyway.

Not Quite Adults
On the other hand, don't read this one. The tag line for the book is "Why 20-somethings are choosing a slower path to adulthood, and why it's good for everyone." I thought, "awesome! finally a book that justfies the fact that I'm 26 and still feel like I'm slogging through life!" In reality, all I got out of the book was that everyone should go to college and it is OK to delay normal life choices (marriage, house, babies) in order to go to college. Doesn't everyone know that already? I would suggest that managers over the age of 50 should read the book. It actually does a good job of dispeling the myth that 20-somethings are lazy and full of entitlement.

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