Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Like Usher, sometimes I just get so caught up. In youtube. Yesterday, I clicked through someone's facebook post to watch a lightshow at The Clink (formerly Qwest field) set to dubstep music. Two hours later, I was still on youtube. And it was technically a new day.

Naturally, I watched a little bit of My Drunk Kitchen.

And, I think this girl's videos are hilarious. I particularly liked this video, because I've been trying for months to get my roommate's dog to like me. After watching this video, I now refer to him as "papooksa."

My sister sent me this video, which she had to watch at work the other day. Like the majority of my wardrobe, if it is good enough for Target, it is good enough for me!

Oh, and if you aren't familiar with Usher, you should be. Really.

And just like that, you've been on youtube longer than you intended.