Wednesday, July 28, 2010


So, my BFF Erin has been on my case for the last 6 years or so to start a blog. Here it is. She might be the only one who reads this. I picked this fancy background because it insinuates that I'm smart and well-traveled. In reality, my friend Heather gave me a map of the world for my birthday because I don't know where anything is. It's terrible--you'd think I never took 3rd grade geography. I ACED 3rd grade geography and every geography quiz through 12th grade. I don't know what happened after that.

Anyway, COSTCO. I finally took the plunge today. I've held out for most of my adult life. I don't have a family of 12, and it's dumb to drive 8 miles out of my way for cheap gas. Alas, I really needed 48 hamburger patties and buns for a BBQ tomorrow. So I sat in traffic for 45 minutes and threw down $50 for the opportunity to purchase a package of 24 hamburger buns for $2.69. That was pretty awesome until I had to load/unload an entire trunkload of food without my fancy recycled plastic bags. Or any bags. There weren't any samples either. We'll see how this goes. COSTCO is about as american as it gets...maybe second only to Walmart.

Now, don't get mad because I slanted Walmart in a positive light. I love america -- hence, the blog name. More on that later. Enjoy the blog.