Thursday, January 20, 2011

Healthy Living

Today at work, the monthly wellness newsletter came out. It is chock full of valuable tips for improving your life. Here are some of the best:

1. Take the idea of a home gym to a whole new level. Specifically, they suggest doing "speed squats" while brushing your teeth. Make sure to maintain control of the toothbrush! I'm going to test this one out at home tonight. I might choke on my toothbrush. Thank God I don't use a Sonicare.

2. Skip the Bacon. WTF? Wrong.

3. Find your song. Pick a song that makes you feel good about yourself boosts yourself esteeem. Play it whenever you need a lift. For me, it is a toss up between "Eye of the Tiger," "I'm on a Boat," and the theme song from Jurassic Park

What would your theme song be?

Side note: my boss said that his theme song would be Chariots of Fire. So, I downloaded it an blasted it from the ipod player the next time he walked out of his office. Then, I was laughing so hard that I spilled an entire cup of water all over my notepad, mouse, and headphones...FTL.

1 comment:

  1. Mine would either be "The Climb" by Miley or "My Humps" by Black Eyed Peas. I have very sophisticated music taste.
