Thursday, February 24, 2011

Weather enthusiast

I would describe myself as a weather enthusiast. (Yes, this is going somewhere.) Twister is probably in my top 20 favorite movies. I could watch the weather report on NWCN all day. Sometimes I do. Even when the news feed starts repeating the same stories and "weather pics" every 20 minutes, I keep watching.

In 1996, the Willamette Valley had one of those thousand year floods. I made a scrapbook about it...on my own time. I don't even like scrapbooking. Did I not have enough homework from school to do? What kind of 12 year-old was I? I also made my parents order the VHS footage from the TV station. If I still had a VHS player, I could re-live all the chaos of "Wild Winter."

Today, I'm one of those wackos that sends photos of 1/2" of snow on their deck to King 5. I use terms like "snowpocalypse" and "arctic blast" in everyday speech. I've worked from home for the last 2 days because it might snow. There is no snow.

The point is that yesterday, I discovered that my dream job does, in fact, exist. Who knew that Weather Blogger was a real job? My new life plan is to go take some classes on meteorology, buy a 4-runner and a netbook, and spend my days driving around blogging about funny weather things. (I am also going to invent a new term for meteorology, because I can't spell it.) Check out this job post from enthusiast and examiner?!?! I couldn't be more qualified.

" is looking for talented writers and photographers to promote their objective viewpoints to a large online community through our Top 100 website.

We seek professional journalists, aspiring writers, first responders, paralegals, meteorologists, law enforcement officers and any other news, crime or weather enthusiasts who have the vision, skills and determination to write authoritatively about a specific topic in our News category.

Our original content is provided by over 68,000 passionate, informed and credible local insiders we call Examiners. Examiners have their own page on our website complete with a photo and a bio which may also include links to their personal site. Previous writing experience is not required."

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