Monday, October 24, 2011

Day off

Today is my day off. It is Monday, and most museums are closed anyway. Tatyana will be working for the rest of our trip, so I'll have to start entertaining myself. It is raining and thunderstorming--thunder is literally shaking the building as I write-- so I decided to take the day to relax, organize my pictures, and do some laundry. That is actually good, because the laundry machines in this apartment aren't working too well. I've been "doing laundry" for the last 5.5 hours. I've also been eating nutella by the spoonful, drinking wine, trying to make reservations for the Alhambra next weekend (and failing), and "liking" things on Facebook.

I also slept in until 11am. Tomorrow, I intend to get up early and take a day trip to Montserrat, which is outside Barcelona. The weather is supposed to get better tomorrow--sunny with lots of wind. Tonight, assuming that my laundry dries and we don't get struck by lightening, we're going to Casa Mila, which is another example of Gaudi's architecture (also Sagrada Familia). In the meantime, here are some more fun pics from Barcelona:

getting tapas
at montjuic

I found it disturbing that this wasn't a joke to these people. They were totally serious.
awww....look at my failed attempts at taking artsy pictures.

Yesterday, we stumbled across this place, Casa Ricardo, in the Barcaloneta neighborhood for lunch. We had delicious frutas del mer (fruits of the sea - aka fried seafood), and some fried pimentos. In this photo, you see Ricardo in rare form in the background--without a cigarette.

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