Saturday, October 29, 2011

Se venden dulces

The highlight of my time in Granada was buying treats from nuns. The Alhambra is lame. Not really...but when was the last time that you bought sweets from an adorable 70-year old nun in a convent?!?!?! The Alhambra has been around for years. Only recently have nuns discovered the commercial merits of selling baked goods to tourists!!

A sign saying "Se Venden Dulces" led me up a whitewashed cobblestone street to the relatively unmarked door of a convent.

I wandered in and was faced with a lazy susan -type turnstile and what appeared to be a list of prices, by the kilo.

Luckily, these nuns had written some instructions in English.
1. Press the buzzer to the left
2. Say "Quiero comprar dulces." (I want to buy sweets.)
3. Wait for the nun.
4. Tell the nun how much you want (e.g. medio kilo).

An old, smiling nun poked her head through the turnstile. I ordered my dulces. She disappeared for a moment, and came back with a box of treats. And so, I ended up with six euros worth of delicious sweets!

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