Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I guess I really need that vacation

Tonight around 9pm, I discovered that I couldn't find my camera. This happens occasionally, but I'm leaving for vacation in a week. I couldn't really afford to wait a few days for my misplaced camera to show up. I had just used the camera a few days ago inside said house, so it really had to be here.

I spent the next two hours tearing the house apart. I looked in all my coats, all my empty purses, and literally every drawer in the house. I convinced myself that my roommate was responsible for moving it out of sight and considered sending some accusatory text messages. I looked in the couch cushions, the refrigerator, and the bathroom cupboards. I was now considering the possibility that someone had come into the house and stolen the camera off the coffee table, yet left everything else untouched. Maybe it fell out of my purse in the car. I put on my headlamp and headed out into the rainy street to search my car. No camera, but I did find a nalgene that I thought I had left in a national forest. It is now approaching 11pm. I do one last check of my room. I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm just going to have to buy a new camera before I go on my trip. I'll go to bed, and just try not to worry about it for now. I add "find camera" to my list of things to do before I leave on my trip, and brush my teeth.

Of course, as I pulled back the covers of the bed that I had actually made for once, I was greeted by my camera, sleeping peacefully in between my sheets.

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