Sunday, September 26, 2010


This keyboard is wack. z and y are switched. internet is expensive, so iäm just going to ignore all the errors. i safely made it to munchen and found the ho inn express - my second home. it is about 7pm local time. jolene, heather, and shannon were supposed to get here 5 hours ago. but, bad news. some crayz guz on their plane locked himself in the bathroom so thez had to turn around and go back to seattle. needless to say, thez missed their connection in amsterdam and wont get to munich until 7 am tomorrow. then it is over an hour just to get to our hotel. hopefullz we make it to oktoberfest tomorrow, but iäm not sure if theyll still be up for it. i had 4 emails from jolene today when i finallz got to a computer...all of the subject lines were 4 letter words. lol.

tatyana doesnt get here until after midnight, so i am going to see if i can find some food and i might work out. the hotel is in a residential neighborhood...far away from apparently anything. but it was free!

now i have to go deal with the hotel to make sure that we all can keep our reservation. they werent especially nice earlier, but oh well.

by the way, everyone in town is dressed up! coming through the train station i saw tons of people in authentic gear. our hotel is just a few stops away from the oktoberfest stop. munchen is going to be awesome!

oh and i saw chicago last night in london, and it was awesome!!!


  1. hope everyone made it in ok. that's the way travel goes sometimes...

    Hoffe, Sie schaffte es bis heute Oktoberfest. Versprich mir, Sie trinken viel leckeres Bier aus übergroßen Pokale

    Can't wait to hear more!

  2. Tell Bryce to stop leaving German notes all the time (I saw one on facebook too). Nobody understands him...I bet you don't even understand him...haha
