Thursday, September 16, 2010

My quarter-life crisis making a comeback. Last night, I went to dinner with some of my hired friends, who are aged 24 and 25. They all got carded, and I didn't. I wanted to cry. I'm only one year older! The only other person at the table who didn't get carded is in his 50's. What does that mean for me? Do I look 40?

After my first beer, I mentioned to our waiter that I was a little concerned that he didn't card me. He explained that it was because I was so confident during the beer-ordering process. Maybe all that Oktoberfest training for the past few weeks is paying off! I had a delicious belgian-style golden ale from Chicago called "goose island matilda." One of the other ladies DID order a pomegrante-flavored beer. Next time mr. waiter, just check everyone's ID so that my insecure little brain doesn't run wild.


  1. This is happening to me more and more, too! I don't like it.

    By the way, you are such a great writer and your blog is hilarious!

    Miss you!

  2. Thanks Steph! I like reading yours too :) I LOVE all the pics of Hunter--he's adorable!
