Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What if the rules didn't apply?

Today's blog post is inspired by my friend Brandon.  Yesterday, we were discussing certain seedy hotels located in Aberdeen, WA.  At some point in the discussion, he posed the question of  "What would you do if the rules didn't apply for one day?" 


It is an interesting exercise of the mind.  How far outside the rules would you be willing to operate without feeling bad about yourself?


I don't think my answers were that crazy.  I like to attribute this to my impeccable moral code.


…drive above the speed limit.

…set a hotel on fire.

…jump off of the Columbia Tower.


I added "rob a bank," but the more I thought about it, I felt bad.  Stealing is bad.  It's not even that interesting if everyone else can do it.   Would speeding be worth it if everyone else could do it? If the rules didn't apply, why would you even need to drive fast to get somewhere on time anyway? 


Are the rules even restricting me?  I kind of do what I want most of the time anyway.


I'd like to know what you would do if the rules didn't apply for one day.  And why. Comments please!



  1. I am pretty sure I would steal clothes. And I would pajamas to work. And bring my dog everywhere.

    I'm really not that exciting :)

  2. I hadn't even thought about the stealing clothes concept until Erin mentioned it in her comment...but like Sara said, stealing is bad...so, I think that I would just borrow them from stores and take them back when I was done with them without having to pay.
    I would likely work whatever hours I wanted and matched my desire for that day.
    I would talk on my phone when driving. (I know, it isn't safe, but I would do it.)
    I would tell people when they were wearing clothes that they shouldn't be...but this is more of a social rule of sorts.
    I would likely have cocktails at work...I don't even have cocktails that much in general, but just being able to would be great.
    That's all...I liked this exercise. Happy week before the half marathon, see you there!

  3. COCKTAILS AT WORK!!! I can't believe I didn't think of that! That's the best idea yet :) See you this weekend!

  4. Agreed. I vote for day drinking. I'd also buy a coach ticket to London, skip all of the security checks (including the creepy pat-down by the TSA lady), and sit in first class with my eight carry-on bags. I'd leave my seat belt off and my cell phone turned on for the WHOLE flight.

  5. I would never pay to park.
    would never wear shoes to work (flops and bare feet only).
    I would drink whenever and where ever I wanted.
    All natural growing life forms would be legal. I would not need/use a permit to walk in the woods.
    I wouldn't shave before weddings or anytime I didn't feel like it.
    I would never wear a tie.
    If there is no one around, I wouldn't wait for red lights to turn green.
    I would turn left on Red Arrows.
    I would never worry about "no right on red" signs.
    I would use the restroom at any tree or bush

    and I would fly

  6. I would trip cranky old ladies on the street and throw egg nog at snooty makeup counter employees. I would make inflammatory political statements to TSA officials and crash a few board meetings, offering my insights. Imagining all these things is making me happy.
