Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Eastern Washington

I really love eastern washington. Every time I cross over the pass I just get a little happier. You're generally guaranteed to have much better weather than the west side. Even if you're in a blizzard, you at least get to enjoy that little bit of adrenaline that comes with a near death experience. The climate does wonderful things for my hair, things cost less, and the people are just a tad friendlier. Not to mention the endless outdoor activities. Plus, there is something about traffic jams on I-90 that just brings out the craziness in people. During a recent trip to eastern washington, I saw/experiened some things that just don't happen on the west side.

1. Homemade bluetooth. "screw ya'll and your cell phone laws. I ain't buyin' no hands free device. I'm going to steal my daughter's headband and duct tape my motorola razr to it."

2. Vans full of 16 year old boys. This has happened more than once. I don't know what it is about mom's gold minivan that makes teenage boys think that women 10 years older than them will find them attractive. Literally mom's minivan--the license plate was "MYT MOM."

3. Homemade sunshade. Towel jammed into the window as it is rolled up. I'm not making fun--pretty smart, actually.

4. McCain/Palin bumper stickers. Ugh. Republican party, why are you doing this to me?!

5. Road sodas. Not entirely uncommon elsewhere, but do we really need to open the back window of the truck and pull out four BL's on the freeway? C'mon.

6. Girls from Seattle who think it is funny to wear American flag swimsuits. oh, wait...

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