Friday, October 8, 2010


Today was a fairytale day. I got up pretty early and grabbed a cappuccino and croissant (my standard breakfast these days) then I caught a bus up to the hohenschwangau and neuschwanstein castles. The first is the one that king Ludwig grew up in, and the second is the one he built. It is the one that Cinderella's castle at Disneyland is modeled after.

I toured both, and even got to go through a secret door. The neuschwanstein castle was built as a fantasy tribute to wagner's operas and there are swans all over the place. It was really foggy this couldn't even see the top of the castle from the bottom, let alone the surrounding mtns. Luckily it cleared off after the tour and I got some good pics. The fall colors here are incredible!!! Theyve become much more dramatic in just the last week-it is the perfect time to be here!

Catching an early train to Salzburg tomorrow! My last sightseeing adventure before heading home :(


  1. Umm...Cinderella's Castle is at Disneyworld. Sleeping Beauty's Castle is at Disneyland. Just thought you might want to the fact check :)

  2. Somebody's taken a few journalism classes :)

  3. This somebody is just a little too obsessed with Disney....
