Thursday, October 7, 2010


Fun fact: during my tour of Berlin, I saw someone dressed in a cow costume crash their Segway into a giant column and fall over. The whole trip was worth it just for that.

I have learned that I Forgot to pack several essential items. Sweater-required an emergency purchase in Prague. It is freezing here. Apparently my cabelas jacket won't cut it. Traditional German dress-my only regret is not wearing one of these to Oktoberfest. Luckily, I blacked out and bought one today so I can wear it next year. Or at least on Halloween and to the Fremont Oktoberfest. Those things aren't cheap. I really shouldn't be left alone here. Seriously...planning for Oktoberfest next year begins as soon as I get back. A second pair of shoes-- a human being is not meant to walk for 6-8 hours a day for two weeks in the same shoes. I want to set mine on fire. Instead, I bought a cute pair of boots at an unfavorable exchange rate in Berlin.

Budgeting starts when I get home. Nothing but rainier and cereal.

Due to this long might surmise that I don't have anything to do. This is true. I arrived in fusion this afternoon, which is basically just a jumping off point for seeing castles. Everything closes pretty early here...but that is ok. It is gorgeous with all the fall colors here. I'm getting up bright and early to either bike or take a bus up to the castles. It started to rain this evening, so I might not be up for the biking. Scratch that...the guy next to me says it will be sunny!

Today was a good day though! I woke up to the view from kendel's house, which involved a 1000 year-old church and a lot of cornfields. We went for a quick run, and then kendel made us delicious breakfast of buckwheat pancakes.

I hung out with kendel's parents for awhile and then hopped on the train to Fussen. I'll be here for a couple nights and then I'll either go to salzburg or dachau. I wish I had time for both! Can't wait to see the castles tomorrow. I've actually seen a ton already...there's one in practically every town!


  1. Neuschwanstein!!! God bless southern Bavaria. I really hope you decide to take the bicycle ride. Cycling in that area was one of the highlights from my time there.

    Really excited that you purchased a traditional German dress! No one here really celebrated Oktoberfest so we are planning a big celebration soon. You will have to show off your new digs. When are you coming home?

  2. Amen to new shoes! I think I'm going to throw away the ones I brought to Munich. Heather is also contemplating setting her boots on fire. On the plus side... Alaska gave her points for both flights to Munich! The one that turned around, and the one she actually took. I'm still waiting on mine, but won't be holding my breath.

    PS turns out Shannon's mom already has a pair of lederhosen in the attic. She'll have to explain more when you get back.

    Auf Wiedersehen!

  3. We should have a party where we burn our shoes. You guys should also burn the clothes that you had to wear for four days :)
